The WRRA Scholarship Program was established in 2006 and made its initial awards in 2007 for the 2007-08 academic school year. The program concluded in 2024 with awards for the 2024-2025 School Year. The program assisted WRRA Member company employees and their children to continue education in college or vocational school programs.

The WRRA Scholarship Program has concluded.

2024-2025 WRRA Scholarship Recipients

A woman with wavy brown hair smiling at the camera, wearing a white tank top with nature in the background.

Kasi Thomas

Skagit Valley College

Nooksack Valley Disposal


Naomi Wilke

Spokane Falls Community College

Pullman Disposal Service


A woman with shoulder length brown hair in a black shirt smiling at the camera, against a blue background

McKenna Finn

University of Arizona

Sanitary Service Company, Inc.


A man in a blue button up shirt smiling at the camera, greenery in the background

 Thomas Den Hartog

Western Washington University

Nooksack Valley Disposal


WRRA Scholarship Program Description